Welcome Family to the September 2012 issue of The Oak Leaf! For new readers, this is a monthly newsletter that is sent by e-mail to those that have expressed an interest in Gastineau Log Homes. We use this as a way of communicating technical, design and industry information. For more information, check out our web site at www.oakloghome.com.
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Trivia Question: How many US Presidents were born in a log cabin? (See the answer below.)
Do you know the difference between French Doors and Swinging Patio doors? Although they may look identical, there is a big difference. Both doors are free to swing open in a French door, with one being the “primary” door. A swinging patio door has one is stationary and one swinging door. The French door is significantly higher in cost. So specify which one you really want when making choices for your log home!
Happy Birthday Mom! I have to give a call out to my Mom for her 79th Birthday! After Betty White, she is the funniest lady I know!
What is the difference between a porch and a deck?: When you are talking about an exterior non-heated living space, the difference is that a porch has a roof while a deck does not have a roof. The floor system for each is typically the same. It can be confusing though because in construction, the term “deck” can mean any floor system. It can be a proper noun for your outside Deck, but it cannot also be the common noun (deck as in floor) used to describe one part of another proper noun (Porch.) And then the term “decking” is the name for the material you actually walk on for a subfloor, a porch or a deck. See why it is easy to get confused with the terminology? Don’t be afraid to ask questions when someone uses a term in a way you may not understand. And vice versa. Be sure they understand what you are saying!
What to do with a powder room?: Planning and decorating a powder room (half bath to all you guys out there) can be fun and challenging. There are some great ideas and photos in this article I found on line called Take a Powder. Since this is the bathroom used by your guests, you can splurge a little here for some “wow” factor without breaking the bank. Or budget.
How to save $$ during construction just with the placement of your electric meter and panel box: First, locate your meter box as close to the main electrical panel as possible. Why? Usually the power supplier pays for the cable to the meter. You have to pay from the meter into the home. Second, locate your panel box as close to the heavy load centers (kitchen and utility room) as possible. This minimizes the amount of expensive, high-capacity cables from the box to your appliances.
Upcoming Log Raising: We invite you to attend a log raising at a home being built in Lane, KS on September 15. Call 800-654-9253 or email sales@oakloghome.com for more information.
Construction Seminar Schedule for 2012:
Sept 22 and Oct 13
The one day construction seminars are held at our model home center on I70 on the southwest outer road of Exit 144 in Central Missouri. Call to register!
See GLH at these log home shows:
Dallas, Texas Log & Timber Home Show: September 22 and 23rd, 2012 at the Irving Convention Center. Call for more info.
Oley Fair, Oley, PA on Sept 20 too 22 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Open Houses:
Fleetwood, PA October 20, 2012 from 11;00 AM to 4:00 PM Contact Dennis and Colleen Gabel for more information at 610-790-7479 or email: thegabels@paoakloghomes.com
Answer to the Trivia Question: Six or seven presidents were probably born in a log cabin. Andrew Jackson was the first if he was born in a log cabin, but his place of birth is not known. A log cabin is a likely possibility but there were frame houses and he may been born in a wagon. James A. Garfield, the 20th President, was the last to be born in a log cabin. The others are Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S Grant, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore and James Buchanan.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_US_presidents_were_born_in_a_log_cabin#ixzz25LoqEINu
Quote of the Month: “”If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t you will find an excuse. ” – Jim Rohn