Welcome to the September 2014 issue of The Oak Leaf! For new readers, this is a monthly newsletter that is sent by e-mail to those that have expressed an interest in Gastineau Log Homes. We use this as a way of communicating technical, design and industry information. For more information, check out our web site at www.oakloghome.com.
Please “Like” Gastineau Log Homes on Facebook!
Did you know GLH offers Oak timber frames? These can be built with any type of exterior siding: log, Hardy Board, stone, or a combination of the above. Give us a call if you are considering a timber frame home.
Trivia Question: What country has the highest average annual hours actually worked per worker? (See the answers below.)
What you need to know about wood windows: Quaker Brighton Windows are standard in GLH Traditional and Deluxe Packages. Our customers prefer a wood window so it blends in with their wood walls. The Brighton window is clad on the exterior to eliminate painting and maintenance. But all wood windows are not created equal. There are three questions you should ask when choosing a window: 1. How much wood is actually in the window? 2. Is the wood properly treated for long lasting performance? 3. Is the wood REALLY wood or a composite/hybrid material? Click here to learn more and see how Quaker Brighton windows stack up! (Pun intended!)
ANNOUNCING: ThermaLog exterior and Smart Match interior for the Same Price as Solid Log!: We are modifying our Therma Log package components. In the past, we have offered the Oak Log exterior siding, the structural 2 X 6 framing system, and fiberglass insulation at the same prices as a solid log wall. We are changing the package and eliminating the fiberglass insulation but ADDING Smart Match 2″ Oak interior log siding in all of the living spaces of the interior for the same price as a solid log wall! So if you prefer frame wall construction but want the look of a log home, this is a great value!
Telescoping power in your kitchen! Allows you to easily plug in your appliances or electronics when needed but “goes away” when not needed. Rubber ring around the top seals off any liquids. Standard configuration is three electrical outlets but other power and data options are available. Made by Mockett.
Want to Follow along the construction of a home in IL? You can do it on the Facebook page for Walter Weimaraner. Walter happens to be a dog, so you get to see it through his eyes. Just go to Walters page and like him and you will get to share the experience!
Wiseway Pellet Stove: A lot of people ask us about using pellet stoves vs a wood burning stove. The Wiseway model shown above does not need electricity; it is a natural gravity feed system. Perfect if you are off the grid or in situations where the electrify goes out! The company states that it can heat from 800 to 2000 square feet and that a 40lb bag of pellets will last up to 31 hours on low or 12 hours on high. For more information and details, go to their website.
10 Design Trends for 2015: Architects, designs and remodelers report some of the new trends for 2015 in this article.Two that I thought I should share is Quartz countertops and French Door refrigerators.
Construction Seminar Schedule for 2014:
Click here for information on our one day construction seminars.
We only have two seminars remaining in 2014. Sign up soon!
Sept. 6th
Oct 25th
Open Houses:
Remember that the Model Home Center on I 70 in central MO is open 7 days a week! We have three houses there that you can tour!
Log Raising:
We are having a log raising on Saturday, September 20th near Rolla, MO. Call 800-654-9253 or email sales@oakloghome.com for more information.
Answer to the Trivia Question: In 2013, it was Mexico at 2,237 hours per worker per year. South Korea was second at 2163. In the US, the average worker puts in 1789 hours per year, down from 1836 in 2000.
Quote of the Month: ” I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.” – Phyllis Diller