Welcome Family to the March 2014 issue of The Oak Leaf! For new readers, this is a monthly newsletter that is sent by e-mail to those that have expressed an interest in Gastineau Log Homes. We use this as a way of communicating technical, design and industry information. For more information, check out our web site at www.oakloghome.com.
Please “Like” Gastineau Log Homes on Facebook!
Trivia Question: What 1915 product gave the Sharp Corporation (Japan’s consumer giant) its name? (See the answer below.)
Gastineau Log Homes on TV! We were recently featured on the news, focusing on our exporting. Click here. to see the video and read the story!
New 2 bedroom Log Cabin 2 Go design: You can see the design below. This plans allows for a bunk room and a washer and dryer. Click here for more information on our full log park models!
Our Standard Oak Stair System: The picture above shows the two ways you can build our Oak Stair System. When you choose this stair, you receive solid Oak 2 X 12 stringers. They can be used solid or they can be notched. (Both methods are shown above.) The package includes 2 X 4 Oak blocking to use for the solid stringers. If you don’t use the 2 x 4’s for the stairs, you can use them somewhere else in your Oak log home! The treads are 2 X 10 Oak. You also receive 1 X 8 Oak risers to close in the stairs if you wish. This system is standard in our Oak Accent Kit for all homes with a second story floor.
How does Gastineau install windows and doors to prevent air infiltration? Air infiltration is the biggest culprit in homes for energy loss. In a log home, the connection between the logs and the window is critical as the “typical” installation methods used in frame homes is not possible. We have developed a system that works beautifully and with the least opportunity for error. First, the “buck” or frame is precut at the factory for the rough opening of the window or door for accuracy and to eliminate human error on the job site. The side frames come splined to fit the groove in the end of the log. This creates a tongue and groove connection between the buck and the log! A special non drying sealant is used at this joint also. The nail fin for the window is attached to the buck, NOT the log wall. Then custom gaskets that match the profile of the log are installed behind the trim. This prevents air and insects from getting behind the trim because of the concave of the log surface. Settling gasket it put above the frame before trimming. This gasket will be compressed over the first couple of years but will not cause any tension on the window or door. We have been using this type of window and door installation since 2001 and it WORKS!!
Construction Seminar Schedule for 2014:
Click here for information on our one day construction seminars.
Here is our schedule for 2014. Sign up soon!
March 15th
April 12th
June 21st
Sept. 6th
Oct 25th
Log Raising March 8th south of Jefferson City, MO
We have tentatively scheduled a log raising for March 8th south of Jefferson City, MO. Tentatively because there is a possibility of a lot of snow here this weekend and it could slow down construction.
If you would like to come to a log raising on March 8th, give us a call at 573-896-5122.
Home Shows:
St Louis Boat Show Feb 26 – March 2nd (We will have a Log Cabin 2 Go as a feature event of the show!)
Beijing International Expo of Wooden Houses & Structures – March 28 – 30, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Bejing, China
Johnsons Log and Timber Frame Show: March 28 – 30th, Allentown Fairgrounds, Agri-Plex Annex, Allentown, PA.
Call 800-654-9253 for information on any of the shows.
Open Houses:
Saturday May 3 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
PA Oak Log Homes
Dennis & Colleen Gabel
131 Oley Furnace Road
Fleetwood, PA 19522
Dennis: 610-790-7447
Colleen: 610-790-7479
Answer to the Trivia Question: A pencil – the Ever-Sharp pencil, a mechanical retractable graphite pencil that was invented by the company’s founder.
Quote of the Month: “Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.” – Lillian Dickson