Insects are real opportunists and will look for ways to enter your log home even if you take proper measures to protect against insect infestation. You may have a dream log home that is protected by sealants, stains, and borates but stay vigilant to keep your home free of those pesky insects. Here are some ways that insects may infiltrate your home:
- Potted plants make the perfect setting for many types of insects, so be careful to thoroughly check the plant and its container before you bring them home.
- Paper bags are a great way for cockroaches to enter your home, lay eggs and hatch them in the paper bag since it is good for nesting.
- Gaps in the window are an easy way for insects to enter your home. As your new home settles, check windows, doors, and screens for even the smallest points of entry.
- Grain is a popular choice for moths, weevils and their eggs to locate and hide. Make sure to seal grains in airtight containers or in the freezer.
- Used furniture is a great place for insects to settle in, so beware when you go to your local antique shop looking for treasures to bring home. Thoroughly check out the used furniture before you bring it into your home for insects, especially since termites and flat head wood borers love old furniture.
- Luggage is a great way for insects to enter your home after you have been on travel. Be careful to check your luggage and its contents carefully to avoid an infestation of bed bugs and lice for example.
- Woodboring beetles may have laid eggs or larvae in the lumber supply you used to build your new home and may take several life cycles after your new home is built to eradicate. Woodboring beetles that commonly target wood in the home include the ambrosia beetle, common furniture beetle, deathwatch beetle, flat-headed wood beetle, and the old-house borer.
Full-blown infestations usually occur in areas of the home with high humidity, so make sure to properly ventilate your crawl space. If you have central heating/air-conditioning in your log home, the humidity will usually be cut to less than half of natural humidity.
Prevention is the best approach to managing insect infestation, so take those steps necessary to reduce moisture inside the home with proper ventilation, ventilation, drainage, and dehumidifiers. Inspect all timber and wood products before you purchase them for your new home and use wood that has been air-dried to reduce moisture. Keep firewood away from the home at a distance of at least 20 t0 30 yards. And treat unfinished wood with borate products to protect against damage by insects.
Gastineau Log Homes has over 40 years of experience helping people realize their dream of building a log home. Contact us today so we can explore your log home dream together.