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How to Choose the Best Insurance for Your Log Home

By January 2, 2020July 19th, 2022Log Home Living
How to Choose the Best Insurance for Your Log Home

Two questions probably come to mind for prospective owners of log homes: one, “Can I get insurance (that I can afford?”); and two, “Should I get insurance?” First, the good news is yes, you can get insurance, and while it might be more expensive, it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Second, yes, you certainly should (make that must) get insurance.

Are Log Homes Safe?

Everyone appreciates the rustic beauty of a log home. The added good news is that despite being constructed of wood, a log home is generally considered to be safer than a traditional stick-built frame home when it comes to withstanding hurricanes, tornadoes, heavy snowfalls, and even fires. The reason is the thickness, density, and strength of the solid timber used in construction.

How to Choose the Best Insurance for Your Log Home

In order to select the best homeowner’s insurance for your new log home:

  1. Check with your existing homeowner’s insurance company to see if your log home can be added to your policy (if it will be used as a part-time vacation home.) If it will replace your existing home, your insurer will likely want to continue covering you and will give you a preferential rate.
  2. Check with other insurance companies and get two or three more quotes to enhance your perspective. If you are planning to maintain two homes, most carriers will offer multiple property discounts.
  3. Speak with agents who service policies in your area to make sure that any area-specific restrictions are covered.
  4. Check on the rates for different levels of deductibles.
  5. Inquire on the coverage of items that are crucial to a log home:
  • Large enough area around a home to stop wildfires.
  • Distance to a fire station or other adequate water source.
  • Rebuilding coverage in case of damage, along with replacement materials costs.

Importantly, know what you want to cover and make sure all your valuables and dwelling contents are covered. Be sure to ask all the questions that you need answers for.

Choose a Superior Log Home Manufacturer

Contact Gastineau Log Homes, based in Kingdom City, MO for your dream log home. All Gastineau log homes include a complete structural package, design services, blueprints and materials list as well as our exclusive Quality Assurance Visit.